Goal: A web application that allows a user to submit a GPX file, from which a grade graph will be drawn.
Optional: I might as well draw an elevation graph as well. I should offer both graphs over distance or time.
Optional: I should probably draw a VAM graph, too. Verticle Ascent in Meters (per hour).
To pull this off, I will need to:
Future: A map of the activity, especially overlaid on someone's public map data, and the ability to scrub the graph to see corresponding location on the map.
My initial instinct is to develop this in PHP on my web server. However, it would be good for me to implement this as some kind of cloud-based solution, either using AWS or Azure.
Maybe I should do the POC on my web server using PHP, and then think about where I could move it later.
There will be a cost to running it as a cloud solution, possibly one that will increase with usage. I should consider posting ads.