Is Jeffco Boulevard Bicycle-Friendly?

Jeffco Boulevard is the primary thoroughfare through the city. Google Maps has designated the road as "bicycle-friendly", and this designation probably comes from a MODOT or county planner, so it may be more aspirational than it is realistic. I have given much thought about to whether Jeffco is really bike-friendly, and my feelings about it have shifted over time, largely as a result of ridding it more.

It does not have a bike lane. Most of it does not have a rideable shoulder. The lanes are not 14 feet wide, the generally accepted minimum lane width for sharing a lane between a bicycle and another vehicle (where I measured it, Jeffco Blvd. has 12 foot lanes).

However, it does have two traffic lanes each direction, giving motorists a safe passing option. It also has a 40 mph speed limit. It was recently resurfaced.


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